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Coalition Says Interior's Desert Plan Reverses Course on Clean Energy Development

经过八年的努力, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) will effectively foreclose development of renewable energy resources on millions of acres of federally managed lands in Southern California, said a coalition of renewable energy and labor groups in response to the federal government’s release of the plan. The plan abandons the initial promise to balance renewable development with preservation of desert land.

来自Politico Pro的新闻

Renewable developers warn BLM leasing rule may undercut lofty green ambitions

Politico reports that Hillary Clinton's promise of a huge buildout of new solar panels and wind turbines on federally owned deserts and scrublands may be impossible under the land-use strategy that the Obama administration is pursuing, 包括沙漠可再生能源保护计划.



这在很大程度上归功于20世纪80年代该行业的兴起, 加州的风能有望复苏. This article by 澳门百老汇网站网址's Nancy Rader and Dariush Shirmohammadi discusses the challenges that must be addressed for wind energy to succeed in California's market for renewable energy.


Legislation Protecting Renewable Energy Facilities Clears First Senate Committee

PRESS RELEASE: SACRAMENTO – Contracts for California’s first wave of renewable energy facilities, built and producing power before the state first adopted its renewable energy targets in 2002, 是到期的, and many facilities are in danger of shutting down because they are locked into low prices.


加州新的联邦法规. 沙漠使太多的主要风能站点成为禁区

A new plan released by the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) puts approximately three million acres that had been available for solar and wind development off-limits. 这将使它变得困难, 如果不是不可能的话, 实现该计划既定的规划目标,000 MW of renewable energy and presents a challenge to the greenhouse-gas-reduction goals laid out by President Obama and Governor Jerry Brown.


Sacramento Bee opinion editorial argues that wind energy bans cannot be part of a responsible solution to the climate problem

评论文章, by 澳门百老汇网站网址执行董事南希·雷德和迈克尔·杰拉德 of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School, highlights the fact that wind energy projects are being banned or severely restricted in several California counties and, 更重要的是, 穿过本州广袤的联邦土地. These restrictions threaten the ability to achieve California’s climate change goals.


LA Supervisors Should Heed Climate Imperative, Reverse Course on Proposed Wind Energy Ban

澳门百老汇网站网址执行董事南希·雷德和迈克尔·杰拉德, professor and director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School, argue that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors should reverse course on its recent move to ban utility-scale wind turbines in unincorporated areas of the county, because such a ban is incompatible with averting the worst impacts of climate change.


Wind Energy Industry Reacts to LA County Supervisor Proposal to Ban Wind Energy

In response to reports that Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich may propose a ban on wind turbines in the unincorporated portions of the Antelope Valley under Los Angeles County's jurisdiction during a Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting, 澳门百老汇网站网址 stated that the area in question contains some of the best wind resources in all of California which could lead to substantial economic benefits for Los Angeles County and help achieve the state’s greenhouse-gas reduction goals.


风能节约2.5 billion gallons of water annually in drought-parched California

A new report from the American Wind Energy Association finds that wind energy saved 2.5 billion gallons of water in California in 2014 by displacing water consumption at the state’s thirsty fossil-fired power plants, playing a valuable role in alleviating the state’s record drought. Wind energy’s annual water savings work out to around 65 gallons per person in the state (200 gallons per household), 或者相当于200亿瓶水.



澳门百老汇网站网址 submitted extensive comments on the Draft Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP), a joint initiative of California and the federal government to plan for renewable energy and conservation across 22.南加州500万英亩的沙漠土地. 澳门百老汇网站网址’s comments argue that the Draft Plan fails to plan for the amount of wind energy that will be needed for California to achieve its ambitious goals to address the peril of climate change.


风能提供了加州11%的电力, with wind projects located as far north as Shasta County and as far south as Imperial County, 以及来自加州以外的人. 查看更多快速事实!


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